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Jumat, 09 Maret 2018

[LYRICS] Rosie Yang Kai Lin and Yu Feng – Why Not Love

Rosie Yang Kai Lin and Yu Feng – Why Not Love

Language: Mandarin
Released: 2015
Lyrics: Huang Zu Yin, Yu Chen Mao
Composition: Ai Yi Liang

是你的到來 讓我的心快跳出來
Shì nǐ de dào lái ràng wǒ de xīn kuài tiào chū lái
Your arrival made my heart jump out.
好快 好亂 好甜 好煩
Hǎo kuài hǎo luàn hǎo tián hǎo fán
It’s beating so quickly, so chaotically, so sweetly, so annoyingly.
嘿!是不能不看 怕被看穿
Hēi shì bù néng bù kàn pà bèi kàn chuān
Hey! I can’t stop looking, but I’m afraid to be seen through
Wǒ zǒu kāi
So I leave
說不出 你太吸引我 才走過來
Shuō bu chū nǐ tài xī yǐn wǒ cái zǒu guò lái
I can’t tell you that I walked over because you’re too attractive.
左轉 右拐 拐了好幾個彎
Zuǒ zhuǎn yòu guǎi guǎi le hǎo jǐ ge wān
I turned left and turned right; I made many turns.
Èn tā shi de děng dài
Hm! Waiting is free from anxiety.
Bù pà lù shang duō me dǔ sè
I’m not afraid that there are a lot of roadblocks.
Wǒ hái méi yǒu dá àn
I don’t have an answer yet.
Yě xǔ tiē xīn zhǐ shì nǐ de xí guàn
Maybe intimacy is just something you’re used to.
並沒有意義 不是喜歡 不是暗示你的愛
Bìng méi yǒu yì yì bù shì xǐ huan bù shì àn shì nǐ de ài
There’s no special meaning, it’s not love, it’s not a hint of your love.
Wǒ yě hái méi yǒu shèng suàn
I’m also not sure of my success.
一百次彩排 在心中對你完全坦白
Yī bǎi cì cǎi pái zài xīn zhōng duì nǐ wán quán tǎn bái
In my heart, I’ve rehearsed a hundred times how to confess to you.
什麼開場白 才可以取代 say hi
Shén me kāi chǎng bái cái kě yǐ qǔ dài say hi
What kind of opening can replace just saying hi?
Wǒ men zěn me hái bù ài
Why aren’t we in love yet?
是怕受傷害 還是怕太愛
Shì pà shòu shāng hài hái shi pà tài ài
Are we afraid of getting hurt or falling too deeply in love?
Wǒ men zěn me hái bù ài
Why aren’t we in love yet?
曖昧有點煩 讓人進退兩難
Ài mèi yǒu diǎn fán ràng rén jìn tuì liǎng nán
Ambiguity is a bit annoying; it makes people feel trapped.
仔細的看 你PO的每條動態
Zǐ xì de kàn nǐ PO de měi tiáo dòng tài
I carefully read every status update you post.
想要確認你身邊 沒有曖昧的其他對象啊
Xiǎng yào què rèn nǐ shēn biān méi yǒu ài mèi de qí tā duì xiàng ā
I want to confirm that there’s no other ambiguous partner by your side.
我的留言 你回最快
Wǒ de liú yán nǐ huí zuì kuài
You reply fastest to my comments.
喜歡瀏覽有你在的 每張照片
Xǐ huan liú lǎn yǒu nǐ zài de měi zhāng zhào piàn
I like browsing through each of your pictures.
Shén me zhuāng bàn dōu rèn de chū lái
No matter how you dress up,
Ràng wǒ chū shén de shén tài
I can still recognize the look that entrances me.
被你取笑的發呆 都是因為你太好看
Bèi nǐ qǔ xiào de fā dāi dōu shì yīn wèi nǐ tài hǎo kàn
The blank stares that you tease me about are because you’re too beautiful.
Wǒ hái méi yǒu dá àn
I don’t have an answer yet.
Yě xǔ tiē xīn zhǐ shì nǐ de xí guàn
Maybe intimacy is just something you’re used to.
並沒有意義 不是喜歡 不是暗示你的愛
Bìng méi yǒu yì yì bù shì xǐ huan bù shì àn shì nǐ de ài
There’s no special meaning, it’s not love, it’s not a hint of your love.
Wǒ yě hái méi yǒu shèng suàn
I’m also not sure of my success.
一百次彩排 在心中對你完全坦白
Yī bǎi cì cǎi pái zài xīn zhōng duì nǐ wán quán tǎn bái
In my heart, I’ve rehearsed a hundred times how to confess to you.
什麼開場白 才可以取代 say hi
Shén me kāi chǎng bái cái kě yǐ qǔ dài say hi
What kind of opening can replace just saying hi?
Wǒ men zěn me hái bù ài
Why aren’t we in love yet?
是怕受傷害 還是怕太愛
Shì pà shòu shāng hài hái shi pà tài ài
Are we afraid of getting hurt or falling too deeply in love?
Wǒ men zěn me hái bù ài
Why aren’t we in love yet?
曖昧有點煩 讓人進退兩難
Ài mèi yǒu diǎn fán ràng rén jìn tuì liǎng nán
Ambiguity is a bit annoying; it makes people feel trapped.
Nǐ zěn me hái bù ài
Why aren’t you in love?
Wǒ zěn me hái zài pái huái
Why am I hesitating?
Oh shì fǒu nǐ yě jué de gāi qù ài
Oh! Do you also think we should fall in love?
就去愛 就去愛
Jiù qù ài jiù qù ài
Just fall in love, just fall in love…
什麼開場白 才可以取代 say hi
Shén me kāi chǎng bái cái kě yǐ qǔ dài say hi
What kind of opening can replace just saying hi?
Wǒ men zěn me hái bù ài
Why aren’t we in love yet?
是怕受傷害 還是怕太愛
Shì pà shòu shāng hài hái shi pà tài ài
Are we afraid of getting hurt or falling too deeply in love?
Wǒ men zěn me hái bù ài
Why aren’t we in love yet?
曖昧有點煩 讓人進退兩難
Ài mèi yǒu diǎn fán ràng rén jìn tuì liǎng nán
Ambiguity is a bit annoying; it makes people feel trapped.
Nǐ zěn me hái bù ài
Why aren’t you in love?
Wǒ zěn me hái zài pái huái
Why am I hesitating?
Oh shì fǒu nǐ yě jué de gāi qù ài
Oh! Do you also think we should fall in love?

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